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accessibilty & usability

Accessibility? Not just another technical term to bemuse people but a real issue that affects thousands of people - creating a Web site that delivers creatively is not the whole picture.

At Switch, we strive to design and develop sites that meet the highest accessibility standards. Whether it's a desire to create a site that conforms to legislation such as a the UK's Disability Discrimination Act or optimisation it to reach a wider audience, we will build solutions that are compliant with the requirements of W3C WAI accessibility standards.

We can perform a audit of your existing website and detail areas where it falls short of compliancy.

We can build sites that conform to A, AA or AAA accessibility levels.

We also place great importance in having strong, clear navigation that is intuitive to use and quick to find information for the visitor when designing websites.

With careful thought and knowledge there needs to be no compromise with how good a website looks...

...we don’t like compromising, so we don’t.

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"The team gets great satisfaction from seeing our efforts improve our clients’ business and, ultimately, their bottom line.”

Warren Drumm
New Media Business Manager

E.ONSoreenReassuringly KalamazooSevern Trent Water