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Whatever you message and whatever you audience our HTML based email marketing solutions will deliver.

Our Smart eMailer package not only ensures that you have a creative, compliant and on-brand designed template but it also has few tricks up its sleeve. It is a fully automated system that compiles your email contact database, delivers the emails to a scheduled time and date and then supplies you with a Detailed tracking reports of opens, clicks etc.

The system then also manages your database of contacts with new subscriptions, bounces and un-subscriptions - to ensure you always have an up-to-date and clean database ready for you next mailing.

We are diligent to ensure that no spamming occurs in any of our campaigns and advise our clients on how the email contacts are collected, stored and developed.

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"The team gets great satisfaction from seeing our efforts improve our clients’ business and, ultimately, their bottom line.”

Warren Drumm
New Media Business Manager

E.ONSoreenReassuringly KalamazooSevern Trent Water